Working with mutual respect to provide
Help, Hope and Health
for those affected by serious Mental Illness
Working with mutual respect to provide
Help, Hope and Health
for those affected by serious Mental Illness
Family Support Groups
NAMI Family Support Groups offered by NAMI affiliates across the country, are free, confidential and safe support groups of families helping families who live with mental health challenges in their lives.
• Families are no longer alone and they have a renewed sense of hope for their loved one living with mental health challenges.
• NAMI Family Support Group fosters group discussion and group interaction.
Link for Connections Support Group (via Zoom):
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The support group will be ongoing on the 2nd Saturday
of each month.
TIME: 10:30AM - 12:00PM
Location: Riverside Main Public Library (Community Room)
3900 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA 92501
Questions, please call (951) 369-1913
Are you interested in facilitating a
Family Support Group?
Contact us about qualifications and upcoming FREE volunteer training opportunities. NAMI Western Riverside needs you!